
Will this never cease to be the truth??

So wrong. There is no such thing as a parking permit in NYC. That neighborhood has a bunch of residential parking which you don’t have to pay for. Just good luck getting a spot. Also during the day most of the parking that isn’t residential is commercial only so trucks can make deliveries.

“I have the worst [#$*%]ing attorneys” will always be funnier than “I have the worst fucking attorneys.”



I’m also a bit confused as to how this could have come up in the course of the interview. Did Gio and/or Jones say “Hey Jay, thanks for the updates on which Super Bowl participants you train in your MMA dojo. Before we go to commercial, our listeners are curious — ever catch a glimpse of Mike Francesa’s dick?”

Yeah, the stuff about the size of Francesa’s dong will get the attention, but “my first really solid assignment was at the NFL Draft in ‘91. I got to take Mike Francesa back and forth from the bathroom” is really bleak on multiple levels.

“What are the odds?! No, seriously, what are the odds?” - Joseph Randle

I disagree. He’s skating with his head up the whole way in and he lifts his stick right as he’s about to hit him. Honestly, I think the most incriminating thing is that after the hit he doesn’t even slow down, he just keeps right on skating. If that had been a surprise or a mistake I feel like he would’ve reacted more

Luckily, Olsen’s wife will never see this.

I was harassed off-campus by one who wasn’t even my professor, just one I knew through a friend. I ran into him at a coffee shop, where he took my saying hello (as you do, when you run into someone you know) as an invitation to sit at my table, stare at my chest and tell me his thoughts on what he imagined my boobs

“Some universities protect predatory professors with slaps on the wrist and secrecy, just like the Catholic Church sheltered child-molesting priests for many decades,” Speiers said in mid-January. “Students enter astronomy to study the stars, not the professor’s sex life.”

Proving that Daniels’ comment was made with ‘actual malice’ is essentially impossible, and Penn has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning. So it makes you wonder what his motivation was for even bringing the lawsuit in the first place. I wonder if it was to finally pressure Madonna to come to his defense, which she

As a man who has experienced rape, I agree that publicity around these high profile cases is good. In my case it was in the 70s, I was in my mid teens (and naive), helping a family “friend” move to another city. His drug was alcohol, which was new to me and just as incapacitating as anything Cosby used. I remember

It’s tempting to like Megyn Kelly because she gets into feuds with douchebags about their bullshit and then I remember that she also works for Fox and is a republican and isn’t exactly speaking truth to power herself.

What they won’t say but believe “They should have married a rich guy who can afford to fly them to another country to have a secret abortion, like I do with all my mistresses.”

The U-pick-em pro-life responses to the Zika Virus:
“They shouldn’t have traveled to a third world country.”
“They shouldn’t live so close to a third world country.”
“They should’ve lived in another country.”
“They shouldn’t be having sex.”

Yeah, his stream is pretty fun. He even played the new (unreleased) UFC game recently. Never even *tried* to use any wrestling while he played, so the game is v realistic.

Pictured: Officer Ober

No, but it is incomplete since it assumes those were the only two options available. I think most people would suggest that the third option of “allow him on the team while monitoring his workouts to make sure his condition doesn’t endanger his health” is a pretty reasonable one.