This is way off base and as an engineer who is obsessed with efficiency, Disney and ABC were definitely in the wrong and deserved to pay up.
This is way off base and as an engineer who is obsessed with efficiency, Disney and ABC were definitely in the wrong and deserved to pay up.
No I spent all my money on forza DLC
Even french houses flee from the battlefield.
Remember when gas/oil prices went up really high and flight prices skyrocketed because of it? And they crammed more seats on planes and charged us heavy fees for bags? Then fuel/oil prices dropped drastically and the flight prices never went down and fees never went away? Fuck everything about the airlines.
Honestly I don’t see what the white Sequoia did wrong; it appears to be stop and go traffic, it also appears there is a left exit or split coming up (watch till the end), the Sequoia signals to move into the lane, there was a white accord directly behind the Sequoia therefore if the Sequoia slows they’re slowing…
Your writing ability is excellent, but your knowledge of business and law are lacking.
He no longer has his pilots license so he should have removed something critical so its not a plane anymore and mounted it on a big base and called it art. Or stand it on its end like a giant cross and hang jesus on the belly and explain its a religious symbol.
There's a slim chance they might have thought of that. Long shot but maybe their strategic planners are as smart as commentors here...
Just finished.