
Yes, when I was a kid, my mom use to leave me in the toy department when she went to Ye Olde Grocery Department. Most parents did. But after finding little Adam Walsh's head floating in a Florida canal, parental paranoia set in big time. I'm not saying that within your home you have to be at Baby's beck and call. But

How do you think babies learn how to talk? From watching CNN? Narrating everything you do ("Now we're going to the grocery store!" "Do you like rice cereal?" "Look at that dog!") is exactly what you're SUPPOSED to do so they learn language skills. Even to four-month-old babies— their little brains are forming

I know that this may sound harsh, but you really have no idea what you're talking about. I'm one of those parents that has asked my 6 month old questions like this, even in public! Why? Because talking with and engaging your child on a regular basis is good for their cognitive, language and communication skills! I

I'm sorry, but I laughed at this.

Now that my kids are older, sometimes I want to hug moms struggling with little kids (especially when I see a two-year-old having a tantrum and mom looking like she's about to lose it). I totally love that you told her it was OK. Very nice of you.