
The Danny storyline remains as terrible as the rest of the show is fantastic.

I feel like you completely glossed over my comment in order to go on a totally unrelated rant about Dunham. Just because you don’t remember the last bit doesn’t mean it didn’t happen - in fact, it did happen! And it fucking sucked!

Nah dude that’s one of the best ones for sure

Does anyone remember when there were sexual assault allegations against a Girls writer, and Dunham came out in support of the accused, saying she had inside information that proved the victim was lying, and then admitted a year later that she completely made that up?

Why the hell are the Harold and Kumar guys making a Karate Kid show?

I’ve watched Day For Night and the entirety of Les Vampires as well as the original movie in preparation for this, so I’m glad it appears to be worth it.

“Silver’s quest to infect California with gangs of Cobra Kai trained bullies

This show is disappointing as hell. The central metaphors for most of the episodes are so basic and insipid and the story largely consists of pointing at them and going “get it? get it?????”

I love Lynch and I love his willingness to admit now that shooting a feature film on DV was a stupid fucking idea. I think Inland Empire is a phenomenal movie, but christ, is it ugly.

I’d rather they reviewed actual good shows instead of this tired bullshit, but hey, you do you.

To quote Almodóvar: The devil, in fact, doesn’t exist.

Bill Stickers is innocent

It’s a bit odd how the blurbs for almost 80% of this list are largely critical. Anyway, it was nice to be reminded of a lot of great Charli songs! She rocks.

This is a phenomenal comment.

I guess I was probably thrown by the use of the word “seriously” beforehand!

Did you really just say “fuck you” to someone for jokingly dissing a video game you personally enjoy

The third one would adapt Dune Messiah. The plan is still to do the first book in two movies.

This is one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever read on this site

Specifically, to me, it reads like “let’s do a Stranger Things!”

Honestly MGK’s last album was a real good pop-punk album. That’s mainly due to Travis Barker, but still. Kelly went from a rapper I kinda hated to a pop-punk artist I really enjoyed.