Really confused by this review. Do you really think the film subplot is so horrible, Josh? Seems really fitting for this show and the characters tbh. Anyway I liked the ep a lot
Really confused by this review. Do you really think the film subplot is so horrible, Josh? Seems really fitting for this show and the characters tbh. Anyway I liked the ep a lot
I legitimately just had to look up who he was. Although the article probably could have given a bit more information.
Gonna be a naysayer and say I didn't enjoy this. The darker tone felt extremely forced, while the dialogue is of too low quality to have any of the character stuff work. It's cool that they tried, but….in the end, it's essentially as good as the more average X-Men movies, just in a different genre. And I really can't…
nice impression of someone who's only heard about CK's work third-hand at best
thanks for the reminder that any attempt of recreating the david lynch style is doomed to failure.
I read em. Even when I don't agree (to clarify, I hella did this week, what a boring-ass episode) there's usually a couple good points.
Is this article trying to insinuate the Kevin Smith news is bad?
Man, talk about being a third wheel.
My housemates are really into hot sauce, so we have a bunch of the sauces from this challenge, including the top two. Mega Death is actually really tasty if you just have a tiny bit, but I don't know how anyone gets through that 357 one. It's fucking horrendous. No flavour at all really.
It's the "go back to New Girl/you should be reviewing CW shows" and other comments designed to belittle Emily's intelligence that bother me. the ones pointing out actual issues in a calm, decent manner are fine.
My three favourite romance movies are In the Mood For Love, the Before trilogy (cheating but w/e), and Fucking Amal. This was a very good article to read.
tbf this is exactly the kind of lame-o elitist comment I was complaining about. do you really have to resort to insulting her intelligence?
it's entirely possible you've seen this and know by now, but there is one really bad quality scene. it's like 30 seconds max. it's right near the end, immediately following the main climactic scene.
Good review, and I agree with many, if not all of your points! And even the ones I don't agree with I am not going to throw a tantrum over because I'm a grown man!
DOUG??? His name is right there!
You feelin a lil insecure, bruh?
Are you sure? The show REALLY didn't seem to get how goofy the voodoo fuck scene was last week, and that's just the most blatant example. I like the show, but sometimes I feel like it doesn't realise how camp so much of it is.
this isn't as good as the lego movie but holy hell is it pretty and funny as hell. there were so many amusing plot developments that had me grinning from ear to ear.
I like how nobody has bothered to take umbrage with this part of the review (possibly because it's 100% correct): "…a show that wants to explore the complexities of global conspiracies and insurrections without actually articulating them."