Agreed about the Lawrence criticisms, but you seem to be complaining that the Molly stuff was completely unfair even though that was blatantly the point of that entire storyline???
Agreed about the Lawrence criticisms, but you seem to be complaining that the Molly stuff was completely unfair even though that was blatantly the point of that entire storyline???
Great interview. Haden Church's performance in this show is tied with Alan Alda in Horace and Pete for my favourite comedic performance of the year. Just remarkable.
I literally never call plot twists in shows, but I actually guessed this one after episode 3. (to clarify i don't read reddit or any other places with theorising) What tipped me off was that Ford talking to Bernard about his dead son sounded a lot like he was "telling" it to him, the same way he "told" Teddy about…
I want to come up with some sort of witty comment or incisive analysis but… this show is so incredible and made me cry so much and was just FANTASTIC.
Yeah, after I actually watched the episode the headline went from spoilery to perplexing.
i'm not into them either but i remember it was a big deal just because it was totally bizarre and unprecedented and broke a streak of the same old same old winning year in year out
did people not care so much when the sox won? i swear i heard more about that at the time than i have about the cubs now. [/britishperson]
It speaks a lot more unfavourably of yourself that you would actually call someone you're actively speaking to callous and mean-spirited based on one comment they made about not wanting to forgive an abusive racist they don't know for his abusive and racist actions, imo. But that's sure not a discussion I plan on…
Yeah, I never got why so many critics have some sort of seething hatred for scoring systems. Even for people who read reviews it's helpful to have things like that at a glance, especially when a review can be mixed, or focus on negative elements despite being overall positive (or vice versa)
Not seen the ep yet but I feel the headline should be changed. "prepares for war" is really spoilery. nothing in any of the previous episodes suggested anything like that.
When someone says "raped by a pack of niggers" while being secretly recorded, that's usually a very good indicator of how that person thinks and feels about black people, whether the person was drunk or sober when they said it. Or are we assuming he just unfortunately happened to say the only racial slurs in his life…
Who the hell is financing a Mel Gibson movie in 2016? Respect for Garfield hella lowered.
Margaret has a decent RT score and was called the 31st best film of the century so far in that recent BBC poll, but sure, let's go with tepid reviews just because Phipps didn't dig it.
I saw it at London and after reading Sundance reviews they sounded totally identical, even down to parts I personally would trim.
Counter-point: ARTPOP is by far the most interesting pop music released this decade, and this album is incredibly safe and dull.
I watched Waiting for Guffman for the first time recently and I really enjoyed it…..except for Guest's stereotypical, 1997-camp, broad as shit Corky St Clair persona. So it's a disappointment to find out that's the same character he plays here.
I was all about this article until it tried to say the horrifically unfunny musical episode was the best one
I need more information on her being tied up, quick!!
I don't like dogs but this was an amazing episode of television. I don't think the ending is meant to be as depressing as this review indicates, though.
I find it weird nobody is making the connection between the dog poster and all the creepy dog stuff from the pilot. Especially seeing as you even mention the Twin Peaks comparison in the review, Josh - this is the closest the show comes to capturing that same unsettling feeling to me. Like it's not mentioned overtly…