There's a new mashup? Stop the presses!
There's a new mashup? Stop the presses!
I can't decide if I want "Fresh off the Boat blah blah" to be a mistake or an indictment of this new lame-ass way of titling reviews.
I'm sure there's a bunch of people in the top-rated comments of that episode's review ready to disagree with you
Sava, your issues with the premiere were largely based on your own misreading of the text. You don't need to keep dogpiling on it.
the whole 40 episode season thing really, really killed this show, huh?
I'd hella watch that Vernon show.
DID YOU KNOW she had the cancers?
Isn't the point of this segment to recommend things people might not know about? Not one of the biggest shows of the year?
i'm sad to see a fincher/HBO project go, but if it causes people to stop whining about the british show's oh-so-unfair cancellation a lot sooner, at least there's an upside to it.
yeah he's pretty right-wing and went to eton and all that
It is 100% theft and I really wish I'd known about it before buying the freaking season pass for this game (which I do still really enjoy, but ugh, TOG)
Isn't there one bit in Fables where Bigby Wolf goes off on a massive pro-Israel spiel?
Judging by that picture they should call him GAWKman.
Joshua. It's a pretty freaking embarrassing thing to get wrong.
*reads comments* oh, so this is what happens when you mess with the marvelluminati.
Is Sandler aware that that one bit from the script where they don't know what toilet paper is and stuff is floating around
Not that it stops it being a lovely, kind thing to do, but I'm pretty sure this is about the seven trillionth time he's done this in the past decade.
Overall I really, really like this show but there's always a handful of jokes in each episode that are so goddamn piss-poor and lazy. “I’ve got two days, I can do all those things!” *TWO DAYS LATER* “Oh shit, I didn’t do any of those things!” this is just so terrible
I would usually never make a comment this pointless, but dude….it's a Marah Eakin column. What exactly were you expecting?