I feel terrible that the lines about gang-rape are some of the biggest laughs this show has ever given me.
I feel terrible that the lines about gang-rape are some of the biggest laughs this show has ever given me.
Huh? How is this not pop-punk? Also if you read the article they're definitely not commending it in any way.
Did they just rhyme 'bro' with 'bro'?
Eric, I agreed with you that AT had lost a little of the magic around the time Red Throne was airing, but from the end of season 5 onwards I've felt it stronger than ever. This season has been by far my favourite already.
In what world does dissing The Black Keys make someone unlikeable?
This still isn't exactly one of my top shows on the air or anything, but I love the direction they've taken this season. Admittedly, it's the kind of stuff you could only do when you know it's the final one, but it's just so much more interesting to me than the formulaic "Wilfred pretends to be looking out for Ryan…
I have absolutely no issue with this whatsoever but the fact they're claiming it's to appeal to women more seems insanely misguided. Literally just changing the gender of an established character, instead of inventing new awesome well-developed female characters, and having it be still be written by the same male…
Too much artsy, not enough fartsy!
I didn't even think the plot was terrible (Uco was actually quite a well-drawn character), just sort of boring and over-complicated. I definitely didn't mind sitting through it to get to the fights, but the first one managed to keep it minimal in a way this one didn't at all.
No. Her prose is good and she picks up on the themes and such very well, I think.
*AV Clubbers can be weirdly hipstery sometimes
Agreed. But I would also give it 'Most effective at having a plot that was so convoluted I was checking the IMDb summary like every 20 minutes'.
i didn't realise blink were still considered just a band for dumb high school kids. is this a product of growing up with them or is barsanti just being snarky?
I don't really want to join in the chorus of bitching about these reviews (I think Sonia's a great writer, even though she does seem to be making a few mistakes here) but…how do you write a whole review of this episode and not mention Christopher Eccleston once? Dodgy accent aside, it was a goddamn fantastic…
I know it's not rare, I've heard it a lot over the years but also never known how to refer to it. "That thing where the drummer sounds like he's in a race with himself/trying to make the song more incoherent" doesn't seem like it would work/could be deemed insulting.
There is no way that specific kind of drumming is just called "punk" drumming, man. C'mon.
Having just finished watching through this whole show and reading the reviews alongside….I really don't get why Josh has reviewed this show for four years. He may be able to appreciate and even love it at times, but he doesn't seem to get it at all, or at least isn't totally on board with its tone. This is a fantastic…
what do you call the style of drumming in the verses in this song? i've always hated it (it killed a lot of potentially good the wonder years tracks) but never known how to describe it.
He probably felt, like many people, that the plot was boring and bad and distracted from the action, which is the real focus (as in part 1: you may be the only person who is acting like its lack of a plot is a negative). I personally didn't mind it, though - quite cliched but it built up some sympathetic characters.
I just came from seeing Boyhood, and, uh…yeah. That one.