
This article sent me scurrying to Wikipedia to make sure Ground Floor did in fact get a second season. Phew! (it's fun, okay?)

poor legit doesn't even make it into the what else is on section? it's still very much a second-rate louie but at the least it's a higher-quality second-rate louie than last year.

hey, Grimesy, if you're reading this: ha i was right suck it bitch

The percentage in milk is to do with the amount of fat. Get it together, Wilkins! Steven Moffat sucks!

thanks so much for this unnecessarily rude comment! and for the record it still hasn't been "officially" renewed, which is what i meant.

you're not. i'm pretty damn disappointed right now.

can't wait for leslie to turn that job down in the season finale because they're almost definitely getting renewed.

I hope you manage to last out the season at least. These reviews are the main reason I'm still watching.

Wow, what a class act. This was a really great one of these!

This was an excellent episode that was better than I was expecting. I wanted a tearjerker but that was the whole package. I thought maybe it suffered from only being 11 minutes, though, certain parts are glossed over, and Finn doesn't seem to give a shit that there were two humans running around at one point.

The review made me aghast and then the comments made me happy again. Love you guys.

for the record you shouldn't ever use the daily mail website as a reference no matter how relevant it may be

No offence to Phil here but after finishing episode 2 it's already obvious that this entire review is total bullshit. Between the hot tub scene and the joint fights this show's batshit insanity has only increased. The end of that episode was as well-edited as any fight scene I've seen on TV.

Did someone warp Perry with Courtney Cox from the latest Cougar Town season in the picture above?

gotta say, it's nice to see that comedy bang! bang! is finally going to get its moment in the sun, after transforming into the best comedy on tv this year.


as someone who finds it very difficult to see beyond surface-level aesthetic things such as "that alien farted!", and as an idiot who is very easily impressed by big timey-wimey twists and doesn't ever think to sit down and make sure they actually hold up under LITERALLY ANY KIND OF SCRUTINY AT ALL, naturally i prefer