
It’s interesting to hear a different reason for Marissa’s death on the OC. The only thing I ever heard about why here character was killed off was from the creator or some writer saying that they just didn’t know what to do with her character anymore. They pushed her character so far over the edge they felt they

I agree. Not everything I watch needs to be dark and serious or even make sense. If it’s entertaining then that’s all that matters to me. How many people on this site watch the Bachelor or other shit shows? And the whole argument about French people hating it. Who cares? French people are hard to please and why should

So because she read a feminist book you’re just going to give her shitty behavior a pass by saying “hope everyone has learned a lesson here”? 

I read an article a very long time ago (so I can’t remember exactly waht it says) about the French being all up in their feelings because French is no longer the global language it used to be. So yeah, I do think the French approach these type of work situations differently than other cultures. I mean they expect

My comments purpose is not to discredit what you say but I just want to point out that in the corporate world (Emily’s world) it’s quite common for companies to send employees to foreign countries where they don’t speak the native language. And it’s not expected of them. In fact oftentimes time the natives are

Thanks for the clarification and also on teaching me how to pronounce the @.

So what are you saying? That all Latin mothers hit their children with the exception of mine?


Latin people from the US that use English as their primary language or Latin people from Latin America that primarily speak Spanish? Because there is a difference.

I can’t be the only Latin person to have grown up not experiencing the “chancla culture”. The way Latin moms are depicted in the media is very one note. They’re always seen as disciplinarian, openly critical of their children and as someone who runs a tight ship. My mother was the complete opposite. She was always

I was going to say this exact comment!

My grandmother had 14 children. She was born in 1918 and lived in the countryside so during her time it was completely normal to have that many children (I’m guessing there was no birth control and if there was the Catholic Church probably said they were Devil pills) because all of the other surrounding families also

I can’t believe it’s taken this long for this movie to be recognized for how bad it is. I remember when the trailer first came out and thought “really? We’re still making movies about racism in the South with this kind of tone and approach?”. I never watched the movie based on how much I hated the trailer. Glad I made

Did anybody else think his voice on this app sounded a bit American?

Let’s not forget he also had his face covered in Dunkirk. I went into the theater not knowing he was in the movie and it wasn’t until he took the mask off at the end that I realized it was him. 

I feel the need to point out that Gigi Goode’s outfit was more of a British red coat costume rather than the standard blue coats the Revolutionary army wore. I think she also said  that it was Quaker inspired but didn’t they wear black??? Shouldn’t she know her fashion references?

I never listened to their music but yes their show was great. The guys were good actors with good comedic chops.

Who cares about Colt and his wife Debbie?! I want an update on Larissa. I’m sure she’s thanking God she’s no longer under Colt and mommy’s roof especially while in quarantine.

These two look like Hansel and Gretel. As in they’re both hella white and look like siblings.

My immigrant aunt wanted to vote for Bloomberg. I think because he’s the only one talking about immigration and has been heavily promoting ads on Spanish language television.