  1. Seems it did raise red flags which was why she was investigating his facebook page. It’s not impossible she suspected something before but didn’t have the evidence she needed. She may have even talked her self (perhaps with his assistance) into thinking she was being paranoid or overly jealous.

Fuck it, I’ve had a huge bottle of cider, let’s talk about how a five-year-old lit me on fire.

I was raised in a Pentacostal church, washed in the blood of the lamb, raised within a spirit-filled congregation, speaking in tongues, praying in the spirit, being healed in God’s merciful light. When I was a struggling, almost-suicidal 21 year old who had never had a relationship, I went to the front during the

You’ve already given this more thought than he has.

“I hate it when women are experienced and mature enough to know I’m full of shit.”

Yes, contemptuously.

“Physically, it’s really not that important...but I do have a type.” OF COURSE YOU DO.

pretty sure that’s serial killer code for “wear your skin as a dress”

“I’m not attracted to women my age” — douche radar ping

I was a bit confused about this article until I reread the title. I thought it said “Shockingly ‘Looking For a Girlfriend’ Dude Seems to Kinda Like Dick”.

“I have to tell ya–eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough”

Anyone else remember when the right wing used to at least pretend not to be chiefly driven by bigotry?

“one of my parents, who will remain anonymous (it’s my mother), who once admitted that when our pacifiers fell out she’d pop them in her own mouth right quick and them stick them back in ours.”

“Fuck that shit...We’re just living our motherfucking lives.”

How can you talk about "Dance Moms" without addressing the real star of the show: Vivi-Anne?!?!?!

"Calcium does such frightful things to my bones, making them so dense and heavy. Without calcium, I can live my life in brittle fragility as God intended."

is Rob saying Kim will kill NPH???

oh Jesus.

Wow. He's the worst, but your former mother-in-law can go fuck herself with a cactus too.