
This sounds like an excellent book, will it be published / posted anywhere?

How many jocks did you know in high school who lost their legs? That seems like an awfully narrow field for any valid census into the psyche of the disabled (yes I've been corrected) American population. I am and have known an awful lot of disabled people and I find them, on the whole, much like any other group in

I'm sorry I wasn't aware of the political incorrectness of my statement, but I will research and make an effort to not offend in the future. (I am someone who walks with crutches, but uses a wheelchair for long distances).

Cold wet Maine weather leads to pneumonia which leads to respiratory problems?


The one with tentacles made me giggle. I would totally wear that, get drunk, and terrorize the wedding guests with leviathan impressions.

My favorite story ever is a Sherlock film AU in which Sherlock and John are actors and everyone else has fitting peripheral roles. The author is incredible well versed in how the movie industry actually works, and the plot is well thought out and evenly paced. For those who are interested.

That was my first thought as well, glad I'm not alone in this.

I wish my parents had been as cautious as yours in regards to the film Gremlins, that movie traumatized me for years.

Ooh that I did watch because, y'know, David Tennant. Clara nearly ruined it for me though.

Wait, have you, or have you not seen the Christmas Special of Doctor Who? Because that shit was terrible. Really awful, 1/10, will not see again.

Am I a bad person if I don't fancy her having a voice in the government either?

Same. It was the sexy British accent that won me over. While all the other girls were swooning over Eric & Prince Charming, I had a major crush on that fox.

I kinda wanted Harry to die at some point near or during the final battle (which, hey did actually happen), but then have Neville be the one to kill Voldemort. It's just, Neville struggled all throughout school, losing and forgetting his things, struggling in potions, and generally ending up being the subject of jokes

Well, she got better...
