
You are correct, it really doesn’t. However, for some reason people are making a deal out of how much he made (and where it went) as though it has anything to do with this fishy as fuck conservatorship. Given the existence of this conservatorship it’s ridiculous for these people to even mention his NFL earnings as

10 hours with random 2-3 hour pauses along the way for no reason or explanation. Super scenic!

The detour will add between an hour to two hours to trips over the Alps

Passenger trains will now take a “panorama” detour to use SBB’s words. The detour will add between an hour to two hours to trips over the Alps and require most passengers to switch trains to complete their journey. Hopefully, the scenic route isn’t the only route for too long in 2024.

I’m not. The surprisingly bad state of her finances was frequently cited as a mark against her conservatorship. 

He was very funny in Don’t Look Up.

Hard to know how much of that was stolen by her father.

Call me old fashioned but my immediate instinct when hearing about a woman posting to nearly a million people that she’s licking married butt and getting fingered, is that she might be having a bit of a mental break. Which I thought we treated gently around these parts buttttttttttt I haven’t seen the video so who

Ooh, now that’s good casting. I’d say Giant-era, she would’ve been perfect, bringing in all that fragile cockiness and barely-hidden melancholy of the role.

Otto is a great name

“I started a relationship with somebody who was married and told me he would leave his wife. In the end, I found out that wasn’t possible,”

People are messy and do dumb things all the time. I blame myself for reading this.

I watched to the videos too, and found them very tongue in cheek.

Say what you like about how society would have been better off if the internet was invented earlier, but at least we were spared a video of Elizabeth Taylor bragging about how much she liked tongueing Eddie Fisher’s dirtbox and also calling Debbie Fisher a psycho

Taryn Manning recently went on a bizarre MAGA supporting rant. The new licking outburst is oddly the more acceptable the two.

Yes. Hate when straight women say “girlfriend” to mean “friend.” How hard is it to type “female friend” instead?!

At least two times in fact, as I didn’t realize until I read this article, that they had two kids; I knew about the one that had the name like my online banking password, but wasn’t aware they had a second one. Also...

I like the idea of Elon Musk wandering around the Tesla factory floor trying to fix the coffee pot and typing gibberish code into a laptop the printer repair guy left behind, while the security cameras record his every move so they know who to send in and fix all his screwups the next day.

I just love how when he saw stuff going down, he didn’t hesitate. He just jumped in fully dressed and started swimming. Such a heart on that young man.