
If it goes to five shots, the lineup starts over again from the top. The guy who drove for the Spanish team was the one who made the final putt.

When you were bodyslamming Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania 3 back in 1987, did you ever anticipate that thirty years later as part of a court-ordered settlement you would be wasting a couple hours of your life answering questions with Drew Magary?

He looks angry with that meme, but it’ll be two days till he says he’s sorry.

How good are the receivers at Cal? I watched that video of his 65 TD passes and damn there were a lot of leaping one-handed catches.

It really freaks me out when people have such sunken cheeks that you can see the outline of their skull. It’s all I can see when I look at that picture.

Greg, if he gets to March with a real shot at the lowest season FG% in the history of the NBA (he’s on pace for second-worst behind Joe Fulks in the first season of the league), do you think he’ll shut it down, or would he really not care about that getting added to his legacy?

It pretty much has to have been an administrative T but most of those are for illegal rosters or an illegal court, and they were playing at Siena. I’m guessing someone had an illegal jersey maybe?

The question isn’t “does McDonalds govern more ethically than the NFL?”, it’s “if McDonalds corp HQ did tell you to do this, which they’ve never done before, what would you do?” And I think what we’ve learned repeatedly about the NFL is that they will try to push their power as far as they can but Goodell knows his

for what it’s worth, 23andme has me as 98.2% Ashkenazi; both sides of my family are Jewish as far back as I know of. (And 0.1% Mongolian - Genghis Khan woo!)

Is it unreasonable to suggest that they could find a way to be a parent that doesn’t involve a high chance of the child having the same disability though? Alternatives are out there, and I know they’re expensive - I’m writing this the day after my wife had an egg from an egg donor implanted in her - but getting into

What works for us (and I’m not claiming this works all the time):

It's not likely, but you could get into a situation where the team with one guy is up ten with a minute left; maybe there was a brawl near the end of the game and the team that was leading already had a few guys foul out or something.

I wonder how that works when you get down to one player and the other team scores. I guess you have to bounce the inbounds pass off a guy on the other team?

I went looking at his splits too. Here's the one I don't get: he went 3 for 250 with two doubles and a triple on balls hit into foul territory. What do you think is going on there? I spot-checked a couple other guys who have played for a long time (Ichiro, Jeter, Pujols) and all of them have zero hits on balls in foul

oh, I worded that badly. I meant even if he manages to play a lot of minutes right now with his lingering injuries. He tore ligaments in his wrist a couple years ago and just kept playing on it, and he's had a number of smaller injuries that he keeps pushing through, which is admirable but you could definitely see the

I'm not saying you aren't right, but for the record, the last time the Bulls signed a "superstar" (which I am defining as a guy who played in the ASG the previous year) was Ben Wallace, and before that was I don't know because I stopped looking in 1993. Maybe you can count Boozer as a superstar signing, but that's it.

oh, and group E was Belgium, Ecuador, Italy, and Korea, with Ecuador and Korea advancing.

on my second run I had USA win; the draw was USA, Switzerland, Bosnia, Algeria and we beat Korea, Portugal, Brazil, and Holland in the finals.

no way to delete a double-post, huh? okay then.