
I know something it can't beat.

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Trick Question. Hipsters don't drive cars.


Im in the market for a new car. I have lusted after a Jetta SportWagen TDI for about 2 years. I took the advice to test drive many other car models when looking to buy. I first test drove the 4 cylinder Honda Accord EX with a manual trans., and was blown away at the refinement and technology. I then test drove the

You know, my mother actually bought a new Fusion a couple weeks ago.

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We do know, however, that the Traxxas Fiesta DOES blend. Not a great daily driver, though.

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Well, we already know the Fiesta doesn't blend. Since the new Fusion uses Boron steel as well, I'm going to assume it doesn't blend either.

Uh, YEAH. I mean, dude, check out this tag page if you don't believe me!

What Antonio said!

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Everyone on the Internet has an opinion — especially Jalopnik commenters. That's why when the new Ford Fusion