I’m not sure the video really delivers on the headline...
I’m not sure the video really delivers on the headline...
You’re right. I’ll fix that statement.
The Metro would be an option, especially considering how much the federal government urges people to use it. Except of course that it’s an underfunded, useless piece of shit that can’t seem to go a fucking day without some kind of “track malfunction” that causes at least one entire line to single-track for the…
No, pretty sure that is 66.
Agree about the Muse d’Orsay—it is my favorite Paris museum, but I also really like that time period of art. The Louvre stops around the mid-1800’s, which is where the Muse d’Orsay picks up. If you love modern art, the Pompeidou covers where d’Orsay stops. The Rodin museum also surprised me—it was a very pleasant walk…
You really didn't read the post, did you?
You really didn't read the post, did you?
I agree. Trashing an email(moving to the 'Bin' in Inbox lingo) needs 2 clicks inside a bundle and 3 clicks if you are in the main inbox view.
Feature request: A bin button next to the pin, snooze,done buttons.
Nice timing! My Moto X is due to be delivered today to replace my iPhone 5!
Sometimes when we're at a hotel, I'll spend ten minutes digging through menus trying to fix it. The last one I was at it the settings had the SD signal stretched to the 16:9 aspect ratio of the TV. It was a crime against humanity.
My wife and I argue about the dual 24 inch ips monitors I bought. Guess where I got that great idea. :/
"Having kids is long periods of frustration and stress broken up by instances of incredible joy and love."
I've been doing this lately and suffering for it. But late at night, when the rest of the family goes to bed, it feels like a luxury or a sacred time when I have quiet and space to myself. I guess I could go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, but that's just crazy talk.
I'm definitely sleep deprived, though that's what happens when you have a newborn. :)
I can't really help it. There's a rhyme in that title!:
My primary use for it is to control my Philips Hue lights and Google TV. I don't really use it for the GTV anymore since my Xbox One now controls the reciever, cable box and tv, but I used to use tasker to handle that stuff. So I would turn everything on when I got home and was hanging up clothes or something like…
There's the big 2: Active Display and Touchless Controls (I'm assuming you know all about these if you're picking up a Moto X).