
If Glenn really is dead I think I would be more upset that there were avenues that he could have taken to escape and didn't then his actual death. (its a zombie apocalypse, I don't think the fans expect a happily ever after for any of the characters.) But, I hate that I could see at least 3 possible escape routes for

Is it possible to kill the walkers coming down to chow and cause a pile of dead walkers on top of him, simultaneously preventing fresh zombies from getting to him and masking his aliveness from the horde? Would walkers move the dead walkers out of the way?

Raven went with them so that she could accompany Finn's body for the cremation. It was basically his funeral and he was her only family. As far as actually being present in the feast/meeting I'm sure it had more to do with being part of only a few sky people in a camp of grounders that weren't too fond of them. Safer