
I had the weirdest dreams, but not involving baby's gender. I actually dreamed I had a daughter before I got pregnant - during the pregbnancy I used to dream I could see hand and foot prints through my tummy.

It does negetivly impact sex life, for both men and their partners, it does impact health, and it does impact the life one leads. Circumsision in males directly impacts sexual dysfunction in later life; that is, makes it far more common for a 40 year old to eb able to get it up and/or climax. It reduces the

hear hear.

Unnecessary? Have you any idea the long-term results of infant circumcision? There's a reason sexual dysfunction in men is so high in the USA;; along with penis bowing and reduced sensation... it is actually very similar in effect. WTF is with you?

Just because women are in their lives does not mean they respect, understand, or socially interact with them.

I was worrying about the same thing =/

What's that photo got to do with anything? It's kids dressed as clowns.

Because THAT'S the reason pregnant women gain so much weight and there is no need for additional food intake at all while another human being lives off of them.

This obsession with post pregnancy weight just annoys me. It's going to take a year or two. It should. The evidence strongly supports babies naturally being breastfed for at least 2 years - that's how long studies have been done into the effects of breast feeding, it could well be longer - and our bodies need to be up

Yes, she shouldn't have her self-worth defined around ehr body, either. However, the effect of feeling validated in this way, while it lead to the effect of having one's esteem crushed in this way, was not what lead to her being so very unhappy. That was the shame of it. If we were not so obsessed with hiding one's

I agree with you. The human brain takes a long time to mature and not everyone is mature until much, much later - but that doesn't matter. Immature brain does not a child make. Not knowing how to manage one's needs effectively doesn't make one a child, either. You'd be surprised how many 65 year old widows and

I have little to say on this besides the politician in question has one logical fail that was missed: The idea that entertainers should not demonstrate political views, but politicians should.

TL:DR. I got as far as you complaining about commercials having to show all the races before I had to call foul. TV massively over-represents the population as underweight white males. Advertisements included. Women, minority groups, size 14s, etc. are all massively excluded from media. Your complaining that racial

That is a damn good question.

16 isn't a child. We may think of them as children, but they are extremely physically advanced. That said, I don't think 16 year olds should be filming porn, either, but they are not children. They aren't adults yet, either, but that is around the latest most people will start to explore their sexuality. Most of the

There is a serious issue in our society of how we perceive female sexuality - the need to keep it hidden. This needn't have been anywhere near as bad if our society could accept that women don't need to hide their bodies and preserve their sexuality for just one man. Even if it's a silly thing to do. Even if you later

That would be because I am dyslexic? What has my spelling got to do with anything? And no, I didn't really miss the point - I caught the point, full on. How dare anyone say women shouldn't vote. I get it, and agree with it - but I'm angry in the way it is being portrayed.

No weirder than you do?

I think the newspaper got trolled.

Just an FYI: I did not, in the womb, upon discovering I had overies, sign anything that declaired me part of a large, overarching special interest group in which I must always ally my words, thoughts and actions with others who ALSO posess overies, or who, not posessing overies, posess the same brain-functions as