
Wow, this article is misleading. GPS does not shut off. Your GPS receiver does. #corrections

Same headset for both the 360 and the PS3? Nice play, Microsoft.

Uh oh. Cue "DO NOT BLAME THE VICTIM" in ten seconds.

Are you even allowed to own half the stuff you posted up, though? I'm similarly disarmed in MD, and I know at least some of this stuff is off limits from a carry perspective.

Why would you need an internal disc changer? Just get the console makers to put together a secure transfer standard for external optical drives. I've always theorized that optical drives might be on the chopping block next generation, and that we'd see a "download only" variant of consoles.

We have plenty of deposits of our own. They just haven't been economical / environmentally-friendly to mine. China holds 90% of the CURRENT PRODUCTION. Rare earth metals are not all that rare.

I SO EXCITE 2!!!!!!1

So, the question is "will original GoogleTV devices get the upgrade?"

My thoughts exactly. Give me 3000 rounds of 5.56 and a couple hundred yards of open kill zone, and we'll see how many zombies are left by the time I'm done - especially using the "any hit kills" rules.

This is basically cyber-terrorism at its finest. I'm shocked that anyone could really support this kind of harmful, illegal activity. And, believe me, it'll harm you. Wasn't the PSN hack enough for you to figure that out? These guys don't care a whit for the collateral damage they inflict.

Giving employees as little as legally and economically possible is called "the free market". It's similar to how you pay the lowest price possible for a particular item. Businesses are not charities, and expecting them to behave as such is delusional, and possibly socially harmful.

Wrong. MAD was about wiping out the other guy as a functioning state, not reducing their population to 0.

It's because it doesn't follow the general NY/SF blogger groupthink of "Apple innovative, Microsoft obsolete". Nevermind that Microsoft's offerings these days have been getting better and better...

@masterofTHUMBS: Looks like Adobe's DRM'd variant of ePub. Nice that it works with my Nook, but I didn't see anything more compelling than I already have from the B&N store.

@Kobun: Agreed. HUGE bargain at 160 points.

@bombastinator: It's a stock picture, but I was also confused initially.

Who cares? A loaded magazine never killed anyone. It's the "shoving it into a gun, racking the slide, shooting someone in the face" bits that are dangerous. I'm not saying the guy was particularly bright to just leave it there, but using this as some sort of argument against the machines and pat-downs... sorry, that's

@kingcrowing: No, I'm not. These guys are not committing genocide and egregious human rights violations by doing what they're doing, full stop. You don't like what they're doing, fine, but the comparison is terrible and misguided, and takes away from what the Nazis did.

@stereobot: Yes, because mass genocide and making you feel uncomfortable are about equivalent, right?

@subnet6: Actually, Iraq is first by a mile, Israel is second, and Egypt is a close-ish third.