
@BritBloke916: Here's the advantages of using your PS3 60gb instead of a PSTwo to play PS2 games:

$1250 is absurd. The 20gb is probably only worth $300 when used, max, and an older-model, used 47" LCD is simply _not_ $950. He should take $1100 and call it a day.

@faster1974: Seriously, you actually believe those fanboy rumors?

$60 bundle for chatpad+headset, please!

@RQuinton: So, really, it sounds more like the arcade manufacturers are pricing themselves out of the market. Cabinets are expensive, I get it - but $15k for Tekken 5?

Conveniently, no screen grabs of the game itself exist, either.

@NoBullet: Seriously. These things look way more like Sims than Miis do.

@subnet6: They do indeed make stuff. I have a couple of friends who work there. They do stuff with STBs and motion controls, and have been doing so before the Wii ever came out.

@sanyo: I was surprised that it wasn't there, too.

@jinsaotomex4: Don't feel bad. My 29-year-old wife just beat Pokemon Pearl. She's now working on FF:CC for the DS. POKEMON IS AN RPG GATEWAY DRUG!

I really like how they're carving out a niche for themselves. Saint's Row as the "silly crazy variety" sandbox game, versus the new GTA as "mostly serious" sandbox game.

I was waiting for this one. I'll pick it up when it hits $30-$40 - assuming the port is done correctly.

@Viet0ne: Hint: the PS3 is using a graphics chipset which, if anything, is older than the 360's.

@kojirodensetsu: Well said. The simple fact is, the Cell is hard to code for, and you aren't going to fix the underlying issues with libraries - you can't solve multi-threading problems with libraries, nice as that would be on any platform.

So, it's a $50 access point/bridge. Color me unimpressed. I bought an AP just a couple days ago, and I rather like that one better (albeit it's more than twice the price).

@Đipic: Agreed, it's gonna be awesome. Definitely has huge cameo potential, too.

If Dissida had an English language option like FF1 and FF2 did, I'd be all over that bundle.

@kitsuneconundrum: They're going to release it the US for sure, so I don't see what you're saying.