
tl;dr Lil Duvall is some nobody comedian who is cool with killing/assaulting people and the interviewers did a poor job of shutting it down.


Gonna give him a heart attack ack ack ack ack ack. They ought to know by now.


They're ALL stupid names.

9/11's Nic Cage is big with the kids.

Can confirm. Met him at his barely-there line at DragonCon after seeing him in a Time After Time panel with McDowell. We just chatted for a few until someone else came up. He said how McDowell "really is" as sardonic and fiery (yet gracious) as he appears in panels, and he had just been on Doctor Who and joked how

"I think we have all seen Bonanza."

They aren't even the worst of their era or genre. Did Limp Bizkit stop existing?

STOP THE PRESSES, new headline!

I have always loved that organ solo in Deep Purple's Highway Star. That band had a lot of great rock organ moments, but that little break in the driving force of the song is fantastic.

Jesus, what is wrong with people? It's not their fault the movie sucked.

The gimmicky Shines are still gimmicky (most of Hotel Delfino is rough) and the good levels are still super good.

Indeed it is, or it isn't my favorite Vonnegut book.

It's also a pretty cynical book, so it's more like Vonnegut in a better mood.

Back when you could scoop a handful of slime from the streets.

Men Are From Women Are From Venus sounds like a better book.

Rhyming, accurate, AND sad? My goodness.


The two second argument against that is that a celebrity's public post of another celebrity's nudes would be pretty easy to find anyway. Regardless, it's reprehensible thinking.