Erwin Cole

Here’s the thing: All The Bravest isn’t really a game. It’s just an app that asks you to tap the screen and give it money. So yeah, The After Years qualifies as the worst Final Fantasy game.

Let me introduce you to a little friend of mine called Elite Dangerous...

Man, they are going to be so pissed when they find out he had the parking brake on the whole time.

hey look it’s FFVIII

Investors are confused!


New region Pikachu seems to have stolen old Pikachu’s roundness.

Someone else addressed the “facts” you provided and you are predictably completely ignoring them so you can whine about insults.

So are you trolling or just retarded?

Regarding the arctic, you are flat out lying.

For starters, don’t vote for people who block reforms and deny the science.

It was going to be political no matter what. Conservatives are driven by personal interest and will find a thousand ways to avoid making any difficult lifestyle or fiscal changes.

Articles like this make me throw up my hands. What do you want us to do? What do you want *me* to do? We get all these reminders of how we’re so fucked and everything is horrible, but most of us who care about this *are* trying. I recycle, drive an efficient car, and bike a lot. I try not to waste electricity or

This new remix of the classic Final Fantasy theme is really cool, too.

Why are Rey and Finn kissing? That isn’t canon!


I don’t understand where the offense is committed. Nature was a massive part of the spirituality of virtually every indigenous tribe in North America, why wouldn’t that be incorporated?

Or maybe she assumes her reader are wanting FICTION and not a discourse on the complexities of Native American cultures through the ages. Like most internet outrage, this is entirely fabricated, by people who have nothing better to do. I’m starting to think it’s a First World Problems kind of thing.

Guess what? Loius CK is a fucking comedian. If you want to call someone out for hurtful speech, do so, but I grow weary of the ever-increasing list of shit I can’t talk about because someone, somewhere with paper-think skin may get offended by it.