Erwin Cole

The thing is though, when you consider how huge Pokemon is these days, and then compare this to something like Dragon Quest XI, it almost looks laughable in comparison. This isn’t pushing the Switch hardware at all. It even only runs at 30fps, which is mind boggling considering what it’s doing from a technical

This is some weak ass bullshit. The Democrats had no power. We’ve known since Kennedy retired that this was a losing battle, but it was a battle that the Democrats had to fight. They mounted as effective a campaign against Kavanaugh as could be made, and they lost, which was absolutely to be expected. This loss was

Looks more like a samurai than a ninja.

As a gamer and child of the 90s, I will never, ever understand the streaming thing as anything other than a rather sad indication of how lonely everyone has become.

I tried. I really did. I’ve watched one or two “lets plays” over the years... but mainly for practical reasons - games that didn’t have demos and I was

Looks like the invitations are exclusive to female cosplayers.

I would LOVE to see an official expansion for Stardew Valley. It seems like a lot of players, at least from what I’ve seen on forums, have reached a point where they’re looking for other things to do, new missions, goals, etc.

It’s China. I doubt anyone’s paying Square to use these characters.

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Hitoshi Sakimoto’s soundtracks are a different style than Nobuo Uematsu’s (Composed FF1-9). It’s grounded in a more sweeping orchestral style with less emphasis on melody and leitmotif. His old scores had to be done using PS1/PS2 midi samples for most of the games he worked on in the past: Including Final Fantasy

Thank you, that’s what I was thinking as well. Sometimes when I check out a P5-related video on Youtube, it feels weird because most people use the English dub.... I mean, if you have the chance to play a Persona game in Japanese, why not use it?

Exactly, who the hell is playing a game, set in Japan, in any language other the one and only correct language of Japanese?

The Day Breakers is only available with Japanese audio, which in some ways is a shame (because we’re all associating the English voice actors with the Phantom Thieves by now)

We’re still stuck on this myth? I thought this one had been so thoroughly debunked it’s no longer even a meme.

Wow 44% is a staggering amount of people that use Facebook as a source of news. Granted there are some legitimate news sources on there but there is SO, SO, SOOOOO much bullshit! Let’s face that fact too that a large percentage of the group didn’t even bother to check if the news was even credible in the first place.

Facebook and other social media ARE an important factor here. 62% of people get their news from social media (god help us all). The surest medicine for tribalism and fear of people who are different than you and ideas that you don’t agree with is exposure to them. Before mass media, you only knew the people in your

Actually, I said that. Not Matt. And I don’t give two shits about marginalizing or disenfranchising the fucking idiots who voted for Trump. Fuck them straight to hell and fuck their bullshit concerns. They were duped by a hatemonger into thinking that a country with 4.9% unemployment — the envy of the Western world,

People hate on the 2ds, but it’s a very good system. It’s comfortable to hold, durable (especially for kids), and gets the job done for a very reasonable price. I am spoiled by two New3ds systems, but I’d still whole heartily recommend the 2ds, especially if someone was only interested in a handful of games. If you’re

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Oh, ugh. Don’t link youtube’s version (youtube’s compression is awful). Use this:

Hey, just posting to let you know that you’re kind of a monster.

Being punished for breaking unjust laws doesn’t mean you “deserve it”. Deserving something means you did something bad that equals the punishment given. To say he deserves it means that you agree with the law in place. When someone deserves something, it

My biggest problem with Lois Lane in BvS is that her entire investigation subplot leads to her discovering what we the audience already knew - that Lex Luthor is the bad guy. In other words, you could cut it entirely and we wouldn’t lose any pertinent info.