Fanboys (of all sorts) demand wars. Think about football teams, car enthusiasts, batman vs superman, windows vs linux, xbox vs ps3, pc gamers vs console gamers... android vs iOS is just a part of that.
Fanboys (of all sorts) demand wars. Think about football teams, car enthusiasts, batman vs superman, windows vs linux, xbox vs ps3, pc gamers vs console gamers... android vs iOS is just a part of that.
I'm an apple hatter, I think apple is patent troll and should burn in flames, iOS is stupid, macs are awful, I think I could troll apple and it's products for a solid 12 hours without repeating myself. Seriously, windows sucks, android sucks but apple manages to make me love them by setting very low standards.
I like it (and yeah, I created my gdoc document). I always prefered .txt file type to-do lists instead of dedicated apps/calendars/etc. But the fact that you can hold your to-do list & all the stuff that you write down (or should write down, I always forget to write down, or when I do i either send a mail to myself…
Corruption - you're doing it wrong ! :)
Google+ is amazing, it's way better than facebook. Yet nobody seems to care. I guess the power of habit is stronger than a better UI or more features.
Samsung gave Steve Jobs cancer !
Or maybe... (i'm not ironic, I really don't know the situation over there) there is a real separation of constitutional powers and the government doesn't interfere with the justice.
Everything is great on the android side, just download it (as far as I know there is a way to run android on iphones) and never look back. :)
Some stuff made in the 90's should be left in the 90's. Yahoo mail was my first email (ok, well not the first, but the first that I can remember) and it was made somewhere in the 90's. At a certain point I used it as my main e-mail address... But once i switched to gmail I never looked back.
I'm just here to say that in-app purchases are horrible and the reason why we can't have nice things !
I use a similar system with a few corrections:
And on the 8th day, after God rested, he created the touchscreen. God had great plans with the touchscreen, but after the very first humans betrayed his trust, he wanted to make sure that touchscreen never falls into wrong hands and in order to guard the touchscreen's secrets he created a company called Apple (see…
Since kodak is in bankruptcy the money will go to its creditors.
I have really no idea. I'm sure with enough computing power (and nowadays password cracking power is pretty cheap) you can crack any hash. Yeah, I know, hashes can't be "decrypted" because they are one way only. But you can brute-force just about anything if you have enough computing power and time.
Crackers like these aren't used to get initial unauthorized access to a system, a tool like this could only be ran on a list of password hashes. Of course, you first have to obtain the list of hashes to begin with... but basically these tools render encryption useless... No matter how though is your password IT WILL…
Damn it ! I wanted to make the first "in soviet Russia..." comment :)
They do!
Me too... But then again a hardware manufacturer has to make all its profits from selling the tablet, it won't get a dime out of the apps/media that will be bought on the tablet. The only reason why I probably won't buy the nexus 10 is because I already have 2 nexus7's in my family and I have a Galaxy Nexus Phone...…
When my daughter stops playing with legos I'll start building a skyscraper out of legos. By that time I shall have enough for a decent skyscraper.
simple question: WHY ?