Anything over 100$ and their price is too close to the nexus7/galaxy tab 2/kindle fire to be worth the trouble.
Anything over 100$ and their price is too close to the nexus7/galaxy tab 2/kindle fire to be worth the trouble.
I actually gave (is it a gift if you are practically forced into it) my mom a nexus7 (and then ordered a second one for myself). The weird thing is my mom doesn't know how to use a computer, I'm not kidding, she doesn't know how to hold a mouse in her hand and last time she tried to use a computer was in the early…
While I agree that it was a revolutionary car, and seeing one live is spectacular (I saw one in Budapest a few years ago while driving and I almost crashed). I think it was a revolution in the wrong direction, just like Lenin was a trendsetter for his time he wasn't exactly a good guy.
Yep, looks like this site will have plenty of material:
I had one ! I still like how it looks, however it had one of the most undesirable engines ever made: a two liter turbocharged diesel engine with... wait for it: 82 bhp. God it was slow.
You guys totally forgot Romania... you know, the country that was once featured in TopGear and they all agreed that Transfagarasan was the best driving road............ in the world. Better (and more dangerous) than Stelvio...
Selling a desktop computer is usually highly unprofitable (seriously it's not worth the trouble). But having spare parts (or whole spare computers) is priceless when something goes wrong saturday night or simply saves you the trouble of going out to find a replacement. So yeah... I have a few unused computers (3 I…
I have two nexus7's in my family and I haven't seen the slightest lag or anything... it might not be the perfect tablet but I have never seen it slow, laggy or non-responsive.
Yep, exactly what I was thinking of... I'm pretty sure it's illegal though, but that would make an awesome kid walking quadrocopter drone.
I installed evernote on my phone and laptop, well... I can't say I don't use it all but I'm certainly not using it as I should be. Quick note-taking with my phone, yeah, I'll use evernote for that, then of course I'll be pissed because I wrote the entire note in the subject, or worse: left the subject blank. I'm sure…
Eeerm... isn't this the whole idea behind Google Now ? Right now it's telling me that outside is clear and it will take me 9 minutes to get home... Both are true, but they're not very useful.
I think you guys are overreacting. I don't think this is racist... it's a joke, it's an auto-ironic picture, maybe not funny (actually it's not funny, but not because it's racist), but I don't think he meant it to be racist (though I don't know him, he might be the leader of the KKK as far as I'm concerned, I really…
A massage salon *cough*brothel*cough* was offering 50% off for two girls combo pack.
I thought the only people who still use yahoo mail where those overly attached to that email address made in 1998. The amount of spam and security issues on yahoo is frightening.
Wrong ! The problem here is you are drinking shots way too fast. Pouring down shots is a dangerous way of drinking anyway and it should be only practiced with caution and by people who have a certain understanding of how their body works when drinking (it's a pretty rare skill).
That thing uses a 100W halogen light, those things are HOT. On the other hand in the specs it says the battery life is 5-10 mins. In the video I haven't seen any A/C adapters that would keep those flashlights working... so... did they change the batteries every 5-10 mins during those 2.5 hours ?
Why not use chrome built in feature (no clicks on the desktop, two clicks on the the tablet) ?
Shopping for women is never a rational thing. "Shopping" is not only a way of acquiring an item but it's rather a form of entertainment itself, it's the actual destination.
Last time I checked tasker worked fine on a non-rooted phone (I have a Galaxy Nexus, and it spends about 70% of it's lifetime rooted, right now I'm enjoying android 4.2 and haven't looked for rooting, but I probably will... anyway, tasker works fine).