
Separately, using US spending on social services is a notoriously unreliable metric because US spends more per capita on health services than any other country in the world for similar (or worse) health outcomes because of our fucked up health care system.

Iceland’s GDP per capita in 2014 was 52,037. US per capita was 54,630. US got 4% more GDP out of its workers by asking them to give up, on average, two weeks (US avg 10 days, Iceland guaranteed min = 24 days) of paid leave relative to the guaranteed minimum an Iceland citizen gets (doesn’t even count paid holidays).

No, all I ask is that I be taxed at an even higher rate so that there can be another sports stadium I can’t afford to attend built in a neighborhood I can’t afford to live in. Can I please not have any social services so that we can fulfill this, my only dream.

haha, hey man me too. My dad was director at a health clinic for about 15 years before he retired. He said at any given time he just assumed about 25-30% of his staff were not working and attempts to get much more “work” out of staff only resulted in counterproductive morale loss and thus less quality work.

Iceland guarantees 24 days of paid leave every year, and yet the country survives. I would guess that on any given day, no fewer than 10% of the US “working” population is actually doing work at their job. We just pretend like it would all go to shit if we gave someone a day off instead of forcing them to sit around

Iceland guarantees 24 days of paid leave every year, as do many other successful and normal countries with reasonable and normal economies. We could also do this in America.

edited: posted in wrong place

How can you tell if someone does triathlons?

Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.

Man, I hope no one on this site spoils Game 7 of the 2016 Finals for you. You’re not going to believe the dramatic ending!


your head.

Current wealth distribution is perfectly tuned if you ask me. No inefficiencies at all. If anything, we should lower taxes so this nice, humble woman could have had one more costume change. “I could have got more. If I’d made more money. This un-offshored account. That could have been ten more tiaras. This forgotten

Good point, Manu, Parker, Duncan and Pop weren’t even around on that Spurs team back then.

Now playing

The Spurs always play so clean and with such discipline, always doing things the right way, they really should get the win retroactively awarded just because of their super clean history of not getting any ref or League decisions in their favor:

Now playing

Hmm, this is definitely odd. I mean, there is nothing in his past that would lead refs to not think much of Manu flailing backwards like that:

I think the NYT calculator can also be misleading if the house you plan to buy is different from the one you plan to rent. That is, it assumes you are comparing essentially two IDENTICAL living units where the only difference is whether to rent or buy. Many people, when making the switch, are not making this trade


I get that you’re angry at the backwards people, but looking back over this and how you talked about the Triangle and rattlesnake fucking, I mean, fuck you. You don’t know shit about the state you maybe live in. I assume you’re in Charlotte? Where’d you move there from? You don’t know shit, and you’d rather piss and

Concern-trolling about the “right” way to fix it isn’t going to fix it either. This could help. At least it’s an attempt. I don’t feel sorry for people who want to see an ASG. I feel sorry for the people who are being affected daily by the discrimination that is now written into NC law. You’re right, the leg isn’t

30-40k is a lot of people. Let’s look at the sponsors of this stupid bill:

1) Paul Stam, District 37 - 83,318 pop, 70% of that voting age
2) Dan Bishop, District 39 - Ran unopposed (by a Democrat) last election, won with 18,000 votes
3) Julia Howard, District 79 - 79K pop, she’s currently running for national office,

Call your representative. Vote better. Support better candidates.