
Or you could just lay the bottle on its side to begin with because there’s no reason for it to be standing up on its way down a conveyer belt to be bagged.

Bottles pro-tip: Just lay them down! For the love of god, just lay them on their side, preferably as close to the side of the belt as the cashier. This allows the cashier to pick up the bottles easier as well. Source: former cashier who was rarely beaten in the items per minute stats. Also the only one OCD enough to

Did you mean 1/4th? As in, 25%?

When I did it, you stopped at the Krispy Kreme where you were given a box of donuts. The idea was you ate them and showed an empty box to a volunteer before leaving the eating area, and there were other volunteers plus fellow racers making sure you didn’t just throw them on the ground...but if you’re going to cheat at

I mean, it’s kind of on the honor system, at least when I did it. The original “challenge” was to do the run-eat-run series in under an hour. It’s about 2.5 miles I think from start to the donuts, you get handed a box of a dozen, then you 2.5 miles back. People do puke. A lot of people wear costumes. The proceeds go