Ervin Ang

Turtle soup is delicious. Tastes like stringy chicken but it goes well in a herbal soup.

The thing is your "stupid" is another man's "honor". Not everyone does the supposed rational act all the time. I think it highlights Dany's trouble in consolidating the throne.

If anything they should grab one for the Maesters too.

It's crazy fan service.

I think Dickon and his father's death will play a role in Sam's story in the end.

Arya's knowledge on what happened in Westeros is very very vague. So I would believe it if she would take the note at face value.

I think at least 2 of the men sent over the wall will die.
Most likely one that Cersei recognises and one that Danny recognises. It can't be Jon Snow.

Bron would prefer Dorne tbh

Magic the gathering movie actually sounds like a good idea.

Personally, loved the final 3. I love how new stars are born and the so called "lesser players" ended up doing much better. There's always such bias towards the more popular people that I love it when the underdogs get to shine.

So basically we now have a Survivor Series match up. Awesome. Ammell and Cody Rhodes might have had something to do with it lol.

What about Adrian Chase being both Vigillante and Prometheus and he was just having a

I think the reason why the jury voted Michelle over Aubry was the emotion and story that she had during final tribal. I'm pretty sure most of the jury went in set on aubry. Perhaps the jury find it more impressive that a perceived outsider like michelle was able to make a case and actually play pretty well compared to

It would be so epic if he got beheaded by accident as he stumbled out of the room. What a troll job that would be.

100 years of western film. Good tribute though.

My goodness, how much tv do you guys watch

Ramsay snow.