
Hayley Kiyoko wasn't on my radar before but after that episode of Insecure she is now.

Transgendered clone that kissed Felix.

What the hell does rant mean?

Puff Daddy's I'll be missing you.

It is the forge for Thor's new hammer.

Only if you move them up to Gen 6.

Gold and Silver virtual console release is good but why not rerelease Crystal as well?

That's good I am here for the constant Simpsons references. Myself I only need some steak sauce.

What's up KipSmithers I am the same minus the ketchup.


Yup hopefully it is a satisfying ending.

Remember the portal spoke to the guy and said it wasn't Jack's time yet, that vision they showed is what Jack will look like once he is ready to use that portal. And the way it is looking Jack will have to defeat Aku in the future, to be able to get back to the past to beat him once and for all.

Don't know, but more than likely Jack will arm himself before facing Aku.

Yeah but it was also established that Jack reached the finished line but it wasn't his time to cross it yet.

Yes I do Jack's look currently in the updated series is not too far off from the image at the end of that episode.

Nope Jack is destined to use that portal guarded by the big blue guy.

Where on Earth is Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? Get on it Netflix.

Never seen it, but seeing as it wasn't known to kill careers then that alone makes it better than Wong Foo.

I have no idea, I have never heard of Pracillia until you mentioned it.

I will take your word on that.