WHY in the world would this be posted on Jezebel?! This is exactly the kind of crap that I come here to get away from.
I have a shirt that reads "The book was better" across the chest.
Hey, just because they're married and pregnant doesn't mean that they're happy. You could actually be better off being single. No need for Blaaaaagh.
Yes, yes, YES! Thank you! Finally, someone who shares my opinion on this nonsense!
Oh, thank goodness for you. I HATED the book, too.
I've a feeling that many of the people who actually sign up to be tossed do so for the same kinds of reasons that underprivileged woman become prostitutes.
Ah, see, in the US we would say "scarf" down a burrito.
How exactly does one "scoff" down a burrito lunch?
I actually used to work at one of the Remote Encoding Centers. We only made about $12 an hour (though, admittedly, that was five years or so ago), and we often worked holidays that other postal workers did not. In fact, around Christmas, there was always ridiculous overtime because of all those cards addressed…
See, now, you're just making me swoon even more.
I know, right?
I think it's more subversive, too, but actually, in our case, we just liked my last name better, for a number of reasons, and that was really all it came down to. I think that makes it even more nice, somehow, that it wasn't actually a feminist stand on his part, just... what made the most sense, no big deal.
People still send stuff to my husband with his old last name, but shockingly, when they send stuff to us as a couple, *almost* everybody gets it right, with a few stubborn exceptions.
I am slightly in love with you, Ari Schwartz.
My husband took my last name when we got married a couple of years ago. I can't even begin to tell you how confused people still are about the whole thing.
Well, see, here's the thing about this...
I do understand - I did spend the first seventeen years or so of my life attending a relatively sane church. I have noticed, however, that even when a church does a free movie night or somesuch, there are always some sort of "Come to Jesus!" undertones. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, I just think it's…