
“That’s not how you play hide the cigar...”

Good. As a parent, I do not find it appropriate if a young woman(my daughter for example) whatever her gender identity, to use the bathroom with young men who are going through their natural hormonal changes.

Here’s a question for you my friend: Which is easier, getting Bernie elected and getting ANY part of his program implemented, or emigrating your ass to Canada where ALL of his program is rule of law?

Yes to all three.

He was a guy when he did those runs, to be fair.

Like it or not, Gender is somewhat a matter of perception as well as personal desire.

Let me put it this way: would you have sex with someone who identifies as female but still possesses male genitalia.

Probably not. Because gender isn’t just an internal thing, it’s a matter of social interactions one of which is

He is the worst for other reasons, but she took off her top and she has breast implants. Come on. Do you really think she was offended? She was prancing around topless. And I say this as someone who is a sex-worker.

Race has very little to do with it. It’s about how far a person is from political power. Skin color serves as a proxy to quickly determine how far an individual is from it. It’s practically irrelevant what race the cops or those running the government are. It stays the same. Because it’s about power.

Remember this the next time some titan of academia suggests that only the police and military are responsible enough to own guns.

Honestly, if you end up with one juror essentially saying “the police are selfless civil servants and besides, the dirty... er, inner city thug probably had it coming”, and then on the other side, another juror saying “all these damn pigs deserve to die, set this one in a chair and I’ll pull the switch myself!”, and

Advertising is a fickle thing that runs on all sorts of Jedi mind tricks and subconscious inception-ing. Despite doing some really indefensible things, if your sub-conscience sees Chuck Sheen and thinks “Ohh a bad boy, he’s edgy, I like him!” then that might be brand positive. If your sub-conscience is saying “AIDS

Yeah, I know, but its also the main topic starter for relevant conversation for this article so what am I to do?