E. R. Torre

My favorite is The Road Warrior, with Fury Road a close second (I like Tom Hardy but clearly the role was meant to be played by an older Mel Gibson... not too surprising...! ;-)

While he’s listed as a co-director, George Miller wasn’t as involved in BT  and George Ogilvie had the reigns.

Absolute legend and so sad to hear this today.

I must say... you kill me...!

Now that was funny!


IMHO the last thirty or so minutes of Death Proof is absolutely terrific. Maybe even the best 30 or so minutes of any film Tarantino has made.

Now playing

dude is nearly 80, he’s at risk of injury getting out of bed in the morning

A couple of bits of interesting trivia:

I feel for May, I really do. Having to “fix” a car problem is always frustrating.

Said this before and I’ll say it again:

For those who love director/writer John Carpenter films but haven’t seen what is arguably the film that first put him on the map, check out his 1976 film Assault on Precinct 13.

Teslas sell well because, despite their flaws, they are better than the competition.

Tesla isn’t going anywhere, and I am glad they forced automakers to compete in the electric market. There is a book called “Trickster Makes This World” by author Lewis Hyde, and it details how the personalities of the periphery push society forward. Elon Musk is a “trickster” in how he operates. Often through

The Man Who Sold The World, the album which contained the song, was David Bowie’s 3rd album after the self-titled David Bowie and Space Oddity, the later of which contained David Bowie’s first big hit.

this is why Teslas continue to sell better than pretty much all other EVs combined in America. They don’t just have the best range, they have the best charging network. Superchargers are reliable, fast, incredibly easy to use, and they have 8-20 chargers at each station

“Hang in there, buddy!”

Glad someone else remembers Cannonball.

Not to brag (as he’s just about to do that) but I drive a Model 3 and I got my daughter an Insight Hybrid -which I drove quite a bit!- so I’m pretty familiar with both vehicles.