
My guess is they had a surrogate.

It wasn’t her fault. The power shut off in the middle of the night while they were sleeping. It’s entirely the power company’s fault. This death was 100% preventable.

Meanwhile what is Beto O’Rourke doing? You know the guy who isn’t a Senator of Texas.

Filled with travel sizes of hair grease.

That was my first thought. And even without the pandemic, assuming he was telling the truth (hahaha), it still makes his family look like spoiled brats. While the rest of the state freezes, the girls get to go on a fun vacation?

how about not taking a trip with friends during a global pandemic...

I thought it was bizarre that they were sanitizing the podium after every speaker but fucking Garth Brooks was allowed to hug everyone?

I was in Trader Joe’s the other day, I was in line next to a woman who wasn’t covering her nose with her mask. I remember seeing an advice column (or cartoon) suggesting that if you wanted to confront somebody about mask wearing, instead of shaming, you should pretend that it’s probably something that the person

Just as evil but in a tortoise vs the hare sort of way.

Or combine the two and go with “Shit a pinecone, Mitch.

McConnell is very much like Trump in many ways - loves power, probably a sociopath, lies at will, transactional, and what’s in it for me.  But he is smarter than Trump (obviously) and calculates the risk/reward at every turn. He is patient and calculates the long game. Just as evil but in a tortoise vs the hare sort

eat a fucking pinecone, mcconnell.

Loved this response to Pompeo’s tweet:

Fiancé, whatever. Are we no longer allowed to edit even within a 15 minute window, because I’m not seeing that option in the hamburger menu.

I do find it interesting that the article’s author completely left out that she was a Jewish refugee from the Nazis.

Leave it to a Tennessee rep to volunteer this valuable information.

Not to mention the fake glasses to look more like her gun toting idol.

If this is 1776, why is she allowed to vote, hold office, or own property?

Nice nativism there. Makes sense for a Trump approved initiative.