
Every parent’s worst nightmare. I am so very sorry for your loss.

This seems trite given the tragedy discussed above, but in my experience they are two separate parties. The gender reveal around 20 weeks and the shower a couple months later.

So we’ll said! I feel the exact same.

Agree with the author’s intent. I personally loath gender reveal parties and think it does actually lead to gender stereotypes even before the little person arrives in the outside world. They’ll have enough of that once they are here. Also, those parties are super attention seeking.

They test you for strep infection right before you give birth. If you test positive, don’t encapsulate your placenta. Also, it is not clear to me, was the strep being oases through breast milk? Can a doctor or scientist explain this to me?

The scene where the frazzled stay at home mom’s husband “ catches” her having lunch and told her taking care Penrith kids was her “job” gave me a rage stroke. Even if it’s her job, she gets time off like you do bro. What are you doing out for lunch, shouldn’t you be doing your job dude?

This is only tangentially related and irrational and dumb, but zillow drives me nuts. The zillow algorithm has a critical error. I own a home in a small suburb immediately adjacent to a large US city. My zipcode covers both part of the city and my little village. Our suburb has outstanding schools and is a very

I may be alone on this but as a mom I couldn’t figure out who the target audience was for the first film. The husbands are all pretty awful so maybe I just didn’t relate on the correct level because my husband isn’t a dick but even then it just wasn’t good.

I’m so sorry that happened to you. Your post was excellent and spot on.

SCOTUS agreed to take the Wisconsin gerrymandering case. Fingers crossed they decide it right because Ryan’s congressional district is ridiculous. I’d like to see him win in a district where the borders haven’t stacked everything in his favor.

Came to say just this. There are way cooler experiences to give a child than standing in line at an overpriced theme park.

Thank you! You went above and beyond with the link. You rock.

Which drawers? I want them sight unseen.

Can we be friends so I can get an invite to this party?

It still sucks. I have two now but it doesn’t change how shitty my miscarriage was. Hugs to you and best wishes for healing and brighter days ahead.

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’ve been there, it’s awful, hugs to you.

I can only speak for myself. I miscarried a wanted pregnancy at 11 weeks and was heartbroken, but no thanks.

I just now came back to post because I immediately put down my phone and hugged my babies. Every moment is precious.

I’ve been thinking about this post all day. I can’t really find the right words, but thank you for sharing your story and insight, and I am so, so sorry for your loss.

I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story.