
Fighting paternalism with more paternalism! Obviously that’s the best way to promote women’s autonomy.

I have two boys, the youngest is 6 months and lots of support and it’s tough. All the hugs in the world to you internet stranger.

My husband did not ask because I would have been super annoyed and upset by such a misogynistic tradition being exercised about one of the most important decisions of my life. However, my younger sister is much more traditional (i.e. down with the patriarchy) and her fiance asked my dad in some elaborate way involving

All the stars

Aw! Thanks so much for the love. I really needed it too.

Thanks! I’m actually tandem nursing this little guy (6 months) and his 2 year-old brother who has a whole set of teeth and was way more of a biter. I just want to sleep :)

To celebrate national breastfeeding week I will be breastfeeding all day and all night. The all night is the extra special celebratory part.

My babies are still literally babies, the only time I’ve been away from little #1 was to birth little #2. I dream of leaving them for a night or two in a year or so and maybe sleeping in with the husband but I think I’ll skip the weeks long camps and swingers parties.

I just cannot deal with the world we live in anymore. I watched my two years old sleep and went to bed and cried myself to sleep. Why are people so awful? How can I raise my children in such a violent world? I realize mothers and people generally have been dealing with the threat of imminent and random violence in

Adultery is the act. The act takes two people. Both are adulterers.

HiB vaccine! Take that anti vaxx people.

I think Winona Ryder implied he abused her. Also, drugs, alcohol, and dementia will change a person dramatically.

Doeshe or she still nap? You’re gonna need that nap!

Thanks! I have a two year old too. I can’t believe how fast it’s all going this time!

Congrats! I found out I was pregnant one year ago yesterday. Little guy is four months (didn’t know I was pregnant for awhile!). Best wishes to you!

Same! Only ours was harvest gold and we had the matching stove!

I have the equinox bunny come on Easter to help celebrate the start of spring.

Not really. I’m basically mildly insane at all times.

Fuck: Legolas

I’m so glad Jezebel is having this conversation! I went through years of unexplained infertility, miscarriage, and just plain awful heartbreak. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine did end up helping me conceive, well that and a good bikini wax, a vacation, and probably a miracle. When my son was about a year we decided