Technicolor Jan Stenerud

How did the sun ever rise on the English Empire?

CHAIR UMPIRE: Deuce. And deuce.

This is great to see. BOTH boys can be hers and there’s no fighting necessary.

I’m wondering where commenter “Send It In Jerome” is these days.

Brought to you by Laurie Anderson.

Just looked up the rule and you’re right, as long as the inbounder stays in the designated area. Fair play to you.

On the inbound? Absolutely. No one calls that though.

You never saw any of the plays I was in during undergrad, pal.

Idiot, +1.


I’ve been drinking but what the fresh hell does this even mean?

The Raptors traded Terrence Ross and a first-rounder for Serge Ibaka six days ago.

Damn, that last tag took a real harsh turn toward the morbid.

The fuck, man.

That bass line is an argument for civilization as we know it. Blast it into the cosmos.

My god, that track list. It’s missing “Tracks of My Tears” but there are so many all-timers here.

Twitter is gonna have to die so that venture capitalists aren’t foolishly parted with their money

“Tropicana Jong-Il” is absolutely beautiful. Thank you.


Now playing

Oh hell yeah. Something I will never forget for the rest of my life is my ex inviting me backstage (long story, still friends) to the 2007 Pitchfork performance of the Youth doing Daydream Nation in its entirety. Everyone else was standing stock still, too cool for school, while we were losing our dang minds.