Technicolor Jan Stenerud

Wow. And we're back to square one.

Eat ten bags and croak, Nibbles.

A Sean Casey sighting! Nice to see he's still around.

BYU are doing a great Roy Riegels impression right now...

@Yostal: He's gonna pull down your pants and spank you with moon rocks.

Is AJ rocking on Electric Avenue tonight?

@Lizabelle: Exactly, this is like judging Chicago by what gets printed in the Sun-Times.

Coach Bradley must think that T&T will be easier to beat in the last round than Guatemala. Otherwise, I have no idea what's thinking.

@riptorn13: Wonder if he can even count that high...

@Skeets: hot toddy in one hand, emergen-c in the other. works like a dream.

Man, the Dodgers really just can't turn two, can they?

that. that was impressive.

Dee Mirich on line one.

Michigan State also proved they're the best football team in their state.

And if I didn't have to work all weekend, make that number 30,001.

@Barry Lutz: Eh. Could be worse. Better than Old Soldier.