Wow. And we're back to square one.
Wow. And we're back to square one.
Eat ten bags and croak, Nibbles.
@Technicolor Jan Stenerud: Oh, but not for long.
A Sean Casey sighting! Nice to see he's still around.
BYU are doing a great Roy Riegels impression right now...
@Yostal: He's gonna pull down your pants and spank you with moon rocks.
Is AJ rocking on Electric Avenue tonight?
@She Blinded Me With Violence: Who wouldn't take Horny Toads over polygamists? Wait, what?
@Lizabelle: Exactly, this is like judging Chicago by what gets printed in the Sun-Times.
Coach Bradley must think that T&T will be easier to beat in the last round than Guatemala. Otherwise, I have no idea what's thinking.
@riptorn13: Wonder if he can even count that high...
@PermanentInjuredReserve: Or Randy Moss?
@Skeets: hot toddy in one hand, emergen-c in the other. works like a dream.
Man, the Dodgers really just can't turn two, can they?
that. that was impressive.
Dee Mirich on line one.
@FirstDerivative: coming to your next SAT...
Michigan State also proved they're the best football team in their state.
And if I didn't have to work all weekend, make that number 30,001.
@Barry Lutz: Eh. Could be worse. Better than Old Soldier.