I Have No Mouth, and I Must Sneeze
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Sneeze
Typical sexual predator. He can’t take “no” for an answer.
Yes these comments are depressing as fuck
Oh my god, fuck you. Franken resigning had nothing to do with “liberals” winning a moral high ground - Franken should have resigned because what he did was fucking repulsive and it’s not made better or more acceptable because Republican men did it too and aren’t facing consequences. Morality isn’t about supporting…
He was a good senator for Minnesota.
Sad, disappointed, and pissed are all much better reactions IMHO than the intense fingers-in-both-liberal-ears-lalala-denial going on in comments here there and everywhere across the blessed internet about how he wasn’t so bad and shouldn’t have resigned.
Show ourselves, if no one else.
I feel sick.