
Honestly, I think it’s lame he got suspended for that. BLM is kinda sketchy to me. I get why you guys are angry about what this dude tweeted, but he’s kind of right, no? That hands up, don’t shoot thing in Ferguson never happened for example. He’s kinda calling all that stuff out, albeit in a totally tactless way.

I feel ya, but Boardwalk got really good after the second season once certain characters were out of the picture.

The Ultimate Warrior (James Brian Hellwig) was born in Crawfordsville, IN which is also the home of General Lew Wallace who wrote the timeless classic “Ben-Hur”. “Ben-Hur” the movie has been remade and comes out in August. It stars Jack Huston. Jack Huston and LeBron James have a Bacon Number of 2 (Tilda Swinton was

As another only child, this hits home. It’s what all only children secretly fear doing to their parents. We’re all they’ve got.

um, good? Nowhere does it say people have a right to live in public places. Maybe the city can use funds to do something about the homeless, but back a few decades ago, when we had vagrancy laws, the problem didn’t exist to the extent we see now. Reagan de-funded federal mental institutions sending 100,000s to the

What’s Bernie going to do when he can’t just respond with “Iraq?”

I wouldn’t say Sanders is a “pro” at debating. He’s been pretty lackluster in his debates against HRC, and merely repeats the same talking points. And his attempts to go negative have fallen flat. I would personally like to see Elizabeth Warren debating Donald Trump.

maybe you missed the part where he doesn’t donate money to charity because he’s a fucking monster

YOU ARE A BILLIONAIRE. If you want 10 million donated to charity just fucking do it and debate for free you despicable windbag.

To the teens in the greys with bad opinions: you should consider a “never comment” policy as well.