Error 52

It'd be baller if the next episode brought back the old intro.

My bet is that Jack dies and Ashi takes up his sword.

Also, it wasn't THAT much money. Pricing started apparently started at $1,000. It ain't cheap, and you're still probably pretty well off if you went to this thing, but it's not a lot of money for a vacation.

Somebody actually managed to grow real Tomacco, so it's less outlandish than you might think.

Then the simpsons movie referenced MST3K in the credits, so it went full circle.

I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like those Kreiger scenes. They're played completely straight until it suddenly hits with one of the darkest (and funniest!) jokes in the entire series.

I don't like his stuff, but Markiplier seems like a good dude.

…Come to think of it, weren't dogs not allowed?

I feel like if Samurai Jack wanted the excuse to amp up the swearing, it'd probably be the Scotsman.

That penis remark is the cheapest possible joke they could have made, but it works because it's so unexpected.

Okay, I need to ask: what the hell is that on Bill's hair?

Those scenes of them smoking weed seemed to hinge solely on the fact that Ray saying "Marijuana Cigarette" is somehow fundamentally funny.

That ending was absolutely brutal. I was sitting there going "What? No! FUCK!"

It could probably be made by that nerd trash generator on twitter.

Look, AV Club, you might as well concede and just start doing this show on the regular.

They bleeped out the "we fucked!" line.

It was an entirely legal copy, and by that I mean I pirated the shit out of it and was hoping that people would pick up on me being facetious.

<——*Prefers to remember them as an incompetent spy agency

Unless it was just my entirely legal copy of this episode, it seems like FXX censored it, which is interesting. They don't do that with Sunny. Maybe the decision to move the series came late in the production cycle? (Seems unlikely, though.)

Adam Sandler strikes me as a reasonably talented dude who is also incredibly lazy.