Error 52

Typo in the title

Of all the episodes this season, this felt like the closest to being an old-school Samurai Jack episode. Which sounds like a diss towards the rest of the season, but it isn't. It's just that "Jack and somebody else initially don't get along, but then they bond after having to work together" is a very standard formula.

You know what had a good pilot? Pokémon.

When I think of Archer, I think of historical accuracy.

No idea, but Vice City still is.

It's called Vice, what do you expect?

I think the most impressive part of this episode is that it had to accomplish a TON in 22 minutes and somehow pulled it all off without feeling rushed.

I also don't know how seriously we should take the ending, considering that he goes on to state that his master plan is to find Mulan sauce.

Side note: The episode opens with the nurses in the Pokémon center running around in a panic, and it's the most fucking ominous visual image possible.

D&D is one of the more baffling controversies. "Oh no, this game is having children using their imaginations and interacting with other people! We can't have that!"

Especially as it was PIKACHU, motherfuckers, who did the epilepsy attack.

I tried jerking it off to Gardevoir and failed. She has a spike going through her chest, and that just isn't sexy.

Because the colors represent a spectrum, much like how sexuality is a spectrum.

Aww, I like Dilbert…

The Amazing World Of Gumball does a TON of them. Two per season at least. Some are amazing (The Tape, The World), some are meh ("The Butterfly", "The Boredom") and some are awful (The Compilation)

Kinda dig the blue's design.

Even if the episode sounds like it's not great, I'm glad that they're at least trying to slam the alt-right. It's…a good fight.

I'd…kind of agree that was the problem with BvS. It tried to be something it wasn't. Suicide Squad was just bullshit, though.

Early YouTube was weird. It felt like they'd add and remove a ton of features every other day. They had fucking chat rooms at one point. Also, the ten minute timelimit seems insane in retrospect.

Minor typo: "something tells me this season will spent a bit more time exploring interiors." That should be "spend"