
In other words, (a).

Based on your extensive history of TV critiquing, I'm guessing you:
a) actually didn't watch the full series.
b) wouldn't know quality TV if it it bit you in the ass.
c) are just trolling.

"I think they're doing a fantastic job of portraying what a childish-yet-brilliant creative prodigy is like. "

Employing all of the following stock words (tedious, overwrought, laborious, cliched, overdone, overcooked, excessive) in one tiny paragraph makes your post the precise critical equivalent of what you're accusing the episode of being.

Pretty much all of the best drama is coming out of the UK at the moment:
The Missing
The Fall
Peaky Blinders

Seriously, because it's not the business of a TV show to bring up those issues we all want to ignore, because, I mean, it's just entertainment, right?

don't worry - if anything, you've probably been overly generous to this and the last episode. probably most people have - still riding the last hazy pink fumes of the memory of the network that was - for one brief shining moment - at the top of the heap of prestige programming.

oooph… yes…off a ledge - halting and catching up with this show on dvr, and the show took a dive into funkytown this ep - which i guess explains why tv critics were only sent the pilot episode beforehand

i think it was ruined by the comment before your's ;)