Ryan Mitchell

"only about 3 out of 100 reported rapes result in an actual conviction"

Gawker/Jezebel isn't exactly known for getting their facts straight (or oftentimes reading/understanding the story they're "reporting" on) You get what you pay for, I guess?

Heh. I should contact the writers!

Heh, as amusing as this is, I think it's actually kind of a good idea. My mom searched my room on multiple occasions when I was a child/teenager because she smelled something funny and was convinced it was marijuana (really it was candles, dollar store incense, a secret chemistry kit complete with denatured ethanol

Let me try to describe the number of job offers/interviews software engineers normally get: I have an angry "don't spam me" form letter in GMail that I use to respond to recruiters. I have their company names memorized so, when they call me at work (which happens about twice a week) and they say "Hi, I'm Lisa with

As an unbiased story, it was very painful at first (sharp pain on insertion, bad menstrual crams for a couple weeks), and I love it now :)

You mean it makes no difference in the number of job offers you've received, or the amount of hoopla surrounding the jobs? I'm glad it doesn't. I'd rather be given a job offer because I'm a good programmer than because I'm female...

There are tons of great non-hormonal options too. I can't remember to take pills every day and permanent hormonal methods screwed up my cycle to the point there it was completely unpredictable. I love my copper IUD

There's plenty of fantastic non-hormonal birth control out there as well (copper IUD, anyone?) Where in the article did it limit contraception to "hormonal" contraception? Many, many women need birth control, period. (heh.) And many, many women need accurate, unbiased information about said birth control, sure, but

I'm pretty sure they knocked the kid out first, so no worries :)

Employers shouldn't and don't care how you eat, pay your bills, or support a family. It's a business transaction — nothing more. "I will pay you $x to do y job functions, because this is the value of this job to my business, and what the market will support."

I don't think Sheryl Sandberg is necessarily a role model for all working women, no. But for women who have CXO ambitions, who have or want to earn graduate degrees (especially in tech fields), and who aren't necessarily struggling with raising kids (because they don't have/want them, because they have a stay-at-home

Yeah, similarly, I remember a burst eardrum I had when I was 2. Mostly vague memories, of running in loops around the house (all the rooms downstairs were connected) screaming and trying to stop the pain. My parents told me later they didn't realize my eardrum had burst until blood was coming out of it the next

Well, hundreds of millions of dollars isn't bad for a few years' work. I'd say that's worth it.

"She's not better than them because she won a gold medal. She won a gold medal because she's better than them."

We tell kids not to talk to strangers, not let anyone touch their private parts, and to stay close to Mommy and Daddy, don't we? We also tell men (as well as women) to avoid bad neighborhoods at night, drive with the doors locked at stop lights, and take various precautions against pick pockets while traveling.

Yes, that's your *work's* policy — most companies and photographers have these policies. There's nothing illegal about it though.

My *first* name is Ryan. I had to correct my health insurance company when they refused to cover my pap smear. Most of the time, I don't bother correcting people/companies anymore, unless it's important.

Kudos to the government for that, by the way. I'm so sick of stories of police getting their panties in a bunch over public photography.

It doesn't matter if they're minors or not though! Except for very specific circumstances, depending on the state, depending on the lawyer, depending on the judge ("I'm photoshopping the images of these children for pornographic purposes," "I'm using them to advertise my product on a billboard," etc.) you are