
Right. Not like you. You, who has asserted that that characters and plots (generally, without naming any) introduced in the last two books of the series are superfluous. Maybe you're right, maybe you're not, but you haven't said anything concrete that could be argued WITH.

If you couldn't get it from the first two times I made it I'm not sure what a third will do for the discussion.

How many times would you like me to reply virtually the same thing to your virtually identical complaints?

Or it makes me mildly clever! And it obviously struck enough of a chord that it caused you to resort almost immediately to ad hominem attacks, so fairly on-point, as well.

It's almost like you got the point!

*Battlecar reads to halfway point in book*
"My it's strange that these characters and subplots haven't woven their way back in to the overall narrative, yet. Couldn't happen in the second half of the story, so I guess they were extraneous!"
*Goes online to repeat this point ad nauseam* [edited for spelling error, thanks

*Battlecar reads to the halfway point in a story*
"My it's odd that all the characters haven't finished affecting the storyline by this point. I kinda thought this last half would be, like any good Hollywood Blockbuster, one extended battle scene."
*Goes online to complain*

The Sixth Sense isn't great. It's good. Maybe very good. Not great. Unbreakable is arguably better. Signs is shit. The Village might be better.

How dare you impugn the acting of the great ellipses!

Was the question: what is the list of actors who are worse than Shia Labeouf?

Naw, what's weird is liking Drum's Not Dead most (which is correct), but then finding WIXIW to be their worst.

God damn do I not miss film school

You're right. But that doesn't mean there isn't some bad writing and poor plotting in the back half of Season 4 that really make the prospect of rewatching the series kinda painful. They're really not ever going to pay off things they set up. They're really not going to figure out how long to spend on their most

Your insecurity is off the charts astounding. Hope that improves.

…but to act like some kind of chiding school master telling Abrams you should've done better, redo this now… what? You didn't finish that sentence. I feel almost CERTAIN you had a (terrible, illogical) point to make at the end of it.

You can do French Onion soup… without broth/stock.

they didn't. the beer was not generated by or with the show.

false: vertical epic 09 was better. so was: enjoy by. ruination 10th anniversary. green tea collaboration. more brown than black ipa collaboration. lukcy basartd. white wine barrel aged vertical epic 11. 13th anniversary. oak smoked old guardian. and that's just off the top of my head beers that were BETTER than