Eros Pinot
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As I said, in MANY paces that is illegal. And there was no reason for the guy to slow down, just like there was no reason for him to swerve like that. You are just trying to make excuses for a guy trying to kill people. It is no better than if the rider just decide to pull a gun out and start shooting at the driver

If people on bikes were made to follow the letter of every traffic law and regulation, I'd still be at the top of my street, waiting for a green light to turn left onto the main road, as that light isn't triggered by motorcycles. One has to read the given traffic situation and react accordingly, and as for a "bad

nope. you’re dumb.

100%.. car people just will never know how true this statement is. When I drive my subaru im very aware of other bikers. It’s nice having a cage around you..

Wait you are actually blaming the motorcyclist? So if you were jaywalking on a busy street and I swerved to hit you, youd got what you deserved? Seriously?

What makes the biker such a douchebag? Who is he endangering other than himself?

many places have minimums as well. as well as the catch-all driving unsafe for conditions, which driving 20 under could be considered.

To all of you saying passing on the DY is automatically Bad - stop. Just stop.

a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to

Sanders added in the clarification post that his reason for passing the car was its slowing down to around 20 mph under the speed limit for that particular area.

I had the similar thing happen to me.( Although, I was just cruising along and the guy swerved at me from the oncoming lane) I was taken out and a few guys that were behind me chased the guy down and made him stop. When the Trooper told him he was lucky that I was still alive, his response was “ Fine, so can you just

100% correct!

He consciously used his vehicle as a weapon.

The driver should be charged with attempted murder - but because he “only” hit a motorcycle, he won’t be.

I’m surprised that the asshole driver even stopped.