e holder


I would love to actually see this “van.” I bet it’s really a giant RV.

there will be screams of "racism".....

lol!! Yes - we have an "open-minded, tolerant" liberal....!!

I wonder if TaVon is chanting that!? Have al and jesse shown up yet?


People refuse to understand the meaning of “literal.” And they will argue with you about what the meaning of “literal” literally means.....

It only takes one person with more money than sense.....

I remember my father, 40 years ago, saying this car "is a pig."

Soup is excellent food!

Me, too!! I need to go buy some bacon....

How about a breakfast cylinder? (can of beer)

Yes - all of us.....

food is food - it doesn't have to have the "traditional breakfast" tag on it.....

My college girlfriend was a Butts, and she had a nice one.....

Who would be the owner’s supervisor?

Neither does she.

Even if it was justified, what good would a chainsaw be?

Yes - it’s NOT French - it’s Quebecois!!

Opponents? Everyone is a potential conqueror.....