...or if he broke the window....
...or if he broke the window....
and it’s the plate on mine.....
steels are also alloys. And, yes - I meant “steels.”
BTW - she will SWEAR she was pressing hard on the brake, and the car “ran away with her!!”
Yes - we are the WORST!! “HOPE AND CHANGE!!”
Um, yes...we know....
Germans thing the whole world is the same as Germany, except much less competent and not nearly as intelligent!!
I have NEVER seen green, but, if it exists, I want some - I have all the others!!
Blue, I think - that's the medium-strength Loctite.
So, he didn't sell it - he traded it in!! Why did he get rid of it for less than wholesale price?!
If someone needs to sell stuff to be able to "afford" to get married, he should NOT be getting married!!
Are you seriously saying you have never heard of a liar?
Unless you buy an old car, you're tight!
And, possibly, different diameter wheels.
5000k is 5 million miles.....
White leather is your real problem.....