e holder

Every time you see a “news” story describing people being thrown out of their car and killed in a wreck, it’s because they weren’t belted in. It is NOT because of the tires, or the “excessive speed of someone, etc.” It’s because they weren’t belted into their portable survivable crash cocoon.....

but why were you so certain, if you were uncertain?

....and see how it turned out...!! LOL!!

Whip out millions of dollars......

Pretty much any vehicle will catch fire if you hit it hard enough....


Exactly what you should have done.

What differences does taxes make?

So, you tell people who have the money to buy your product to fuck off? Business must be VERY good for you!! LOL!!

Don't pay anything but a minimal deposit for a car you haven't yet seen.

What is "DPS?"

....or at least the manager SAID "you got him fired".....

I don't understand why anyone would buy a non-running car.....

The FD did not have any real say in the matter.....

You sold a car for which you didn't have title? Why aren't you in jail?

so, what does that last part mean to you OR us?

lol!! Why don't you harden the fuck up, crybaby?

....or maybe they just didn't want to bother helping anyone....

Chantilly is NOT DC....

Why? That wouldn't hurt anything....