Ernie (Kinja Tech)

Yes, you can post pictures. Upvotes and downvotes will disappear. We invite you to share all your feedback with us just as you're doing now. It will help us to make the comments a better place when we take a stab at updating them in the future.

I'd say its an acquired taste. Don't knock it til you try it!

No! But we like feedback and love adding new features.

A wise man once said "flatter commenting systems are designed to keep the discussion related to the article".

If you follow the Disqus to Kinja account claim flow (that will be outlined in a Newswire very soon) your account will be followed. We're hoping to start you guys off on day one with a full list of followed accounts.

You're right, Gawker Media is a wasteland. Gizmodo Media is a lush rainforest of fertile commenting soil, though.

Feel better, man.