Ernest J

I actually liked the Mikaela storyline the best. I’m used to seeing Vella Lovell as the too cool to care Heather that it’s funny seeing her want to impress Neil’s daughter and freaking out. I thought the A storyline didn’t have as many funny jokes besides Arpi’s introduction to the town hall and Brenner calling

Agreed. Also, I’m amused by “the country is already experiencing the consequences of someone inexperience unexpectedly taking office.” As if the problem with Trump is his inexperience, and not that he’s an awful human being. 

I can’t get over how she basically played that character without any real pathos and made it seem like Kimmy was wasting her time by trying to help.

Ya you’re right. I guess you could see the Vella Lovell and Holly Hunter character’s as like mean spirited lefty/millennial stereotypes.

I feel like they’ve softened- Last few seasons of Kimmy Schmidt had the characters trying to be better people and Mean Girls musical basically softened the ending- but if they want to go dark they could retool it to have him become more corrupt. Veep had Selina as an asshole who still wanted to get certain things done

I enjoyed the pilot a lot more than episode 2. Thought the first one had some good Tina Fey absurdist lines (erotic dementia! Podiatric claustrophobia) but it definitely needs to sharpen its teeth in either a satirical way or on a character level. Thought Bobby Moynihan was the MVP of these two episodes though I

I love Busy. I’m happy that she’s going to be in a new show. 

Watched it for the first time earlier this year and was shocked at how many Trump references (and a cameo) there are. 

Knowing that Wiest improvised “bow down, bitch” makes me so happy. 

I enjoyed it. It’s ridiculously cheesy, but I still find positive LGBT portrayals to be a rare occurrence, so I was very happy. I liked the songs way more than you did, I think Tonight Belongs To You is very catchy, and Meryl’s solo was great. I actually think she gave a fantastic comedic performance, one of my favouri

Haven’t had such an emotional reaction to a film as this one. It lacks dramatic shape as you said, but I was really touched by the main “storyline” of the film, between Alice and Roberta. Don’t remember the last time a film dealt with the years lost of a friendship and how heartbreaking that can be. 

Spy is hilarious. 

This column feels like a punch in the gut because the same thing happened to me. With my boyfriend for four years, thought we were going to get married. Tells me one day that he doesn’t love me anymore and I have not seen him since. It’s been over two years and while I’m no longer devastated, I think about him more

Don’t worry about it. Hope everything goes okay at work. 

The point about the true story is you were writing about how there are subtle forms of abuse and addiction. I agree with that completely. But in this particular instance, it seems to be based off of someone who did not hide her addiction and was often physically and verbally abusive. Maybe my comment was flippant and

I’m not trying to be dumb. I’m genuinely confused about how to adapt a supposedly true memoir that portrays characters in unsubtle/maybe stereotypical ways. Would it be better to not adapt it? 

Has anyone depicted in the book/film objected to their portrayal? 

You’re right. This is, however, based off of a true story. 

Of course they aren’t, the point is that the role of an abusive, heroin addicted mother is probably not one where you go low key and subtle. 

I saw the movie without having read the book and enjoyed it. I’m Canadian and have never been to Appalachia so I cannot comment on if it is authentic, but it’s based off of real people. I like Matt Zoller Seitz review where he says about Amy Adams character that addicts aren’t known for their subtlety. I will agree